PHP Download File

105633 , 0

In some cases, we really do not want to show the URL of the file to be downloaded. I can be related to the file/directory security or privacy of the file. This tutorial will help to hide the real file URL by just connecting a PHP file with an ID of the row then the push-download will occur.

Similar String Listing

97660 , 0

This tutorial can hlep you to display the list of similar articles of the viewing one on your website. This is the important thing that all developers should know in order to standardize their websites which conain bunch of contents or articles. Actually, there are many ways to achieve this job; however, this tutoria is one among them.

PHP SQL Injection Protection Method

100965 , 0

It's very important to secure your login system which can be attacked by various attacking methode. SQL Injection is the common attacking methode that is used to gain the login authetication of the login system.

One of the most common SQL Injection look like this:

' or '1'='1' --

It's very unsecured to use the simple login verification methode to login in your system while currently most online web login system use the more secured way of login.

This tutorial will help to secure your login sytem by just implementing the mysqli_prepare to your login function.