Auto Suggestion List for Searching Input Box

Posted on: 22/08/2014
154823 views, 0 comments

The common and necessary function that we usually see on almost websites is about searching suggestion. Auto suggestion is very useful and convenient for the users when they are trying to find something in a website by just typing some keywords in the searching box normally placed right in the website header block. Then, the suggested keywords are listed down as the drop down list right below the searching box helping users to use the right keyword to get the desired result. There are some options that we can show the drop down data list by showing the recent keywords, popular keywords, recommended keywords, sorted keywords, etc. Actually, there are many libraries or free script that can be implemented to our website. However, having our own functions is the most preferable way of being the challenging web developer. Therefore, in this tutorial, we show the auto suggested data by recent keywords (order by datetime).

PHP Facebook Time Ago Display

Posted on: 25/07/2014
150739 views, 0 comments

It is a good idea to show your visitor the exact comment, post, chat, message, etc. about it dates, especially exactly how low they are untill current time. Showing such this detail date information, your website will be more professional and attractive regarding to this clear and accurate date information.

You may have much experiences with facebook social network where date time ago is very common and attractive. This function will calculate the datetime passed by display the accurate date and time passed with short description text (ex. just now, a few seconds ago, 10 seconds ago, 1 minute ago, 1 hour ago, 1 day ago, etc.).

You can also change the text label to be displayed directly in the function and add some more condition as your need. The bellow instruction will show you the function script and assist you to use the function correctly.