Configuring local subdomains using Wampserver

Posted on: 19/07/2022
156087 views, 0 comments

Compared to using a web server, developing code locally on your computer offers some significant advantages. You don't have to wait for your file modifications to upload to the web, so it's typically faster.

WampServer, a tool that enables you to run a local web environment, will be what I use (Apache, PHP & MySQL). WampServer must be downloaded and installed before you can move on with this tutorial.

Convert HTML to PDF using PHP

Posted on: 05/07/2022
150194 views, 0 comments

To illustrate text and graphics in a fixed-layout document, Adobe Systems invented PDF. When downloading information or material from a web application, PDF files are used. Downloading HTML or text content is made a lot easier with the PDF file format. To download the content of web pages as PDF files, HTML must be converted to PDF. This tutorial will show you how to use PHP to create PDF files and convert HTML to PDF.

Dompdf is a PHP package that makes it simple to convert HTML files to PDF files. The Dompdf package makes it simple to generate PDF files in PHP from HTML sites. You can incorporate PDF creation capability into your web application by using the example code provided. Additionally, it makes HTML conversion simple.

Read Number to Khmer Text Using PHP

Posted on: 18/12/2014
157880 views, 0 comments

This tutorial will explain the technique of reading number (Latin or Khmer character) to Khmer Unicode text using PHP. This tutorial is useful for the website or web application that requires Khmer language and needs to display Khmer number as text by just inputting only the number (Latin or Khmer character). This function can also be used in receipt or invoice generating in web application where the amount/price may need to be written in Khmer text. Example, by putting the number 11989 or ១១៩៨៩, you will get the return string as “មួយមឿនមួយពាន់ប្រាំបួនរយប៉ែតសិបប្រាំបួន” or “ដប់មួយពាន់ប្រាំបួនរយប៉ែតសិបប្រាំបួន”. To see how it works, let’s go through the tutorial.

PHP Encrypt and Decrypt Code

Posted on: 18/07/2014
161129 views, 0 comments
This PHP functions will help you to encrypt and decrypt your string to the complex code that no one can understand the original string.

For the security reason, this function should be used to encode your secret data to the unreadable string. However, we might know the MD5 or SHA which is the popular PHP built-in encrypting function and cannot be decrypted in the previous time. Now, MD5 is already cracked down with some online website or library that can do that job well.

Now, we introduce you the hand-made functions that is reliable and secured enough to work with your project. So, now let's see how it works.