Getting text from Image using PHP

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Have you ever considered using PHP to read text from images. Indeed you can. There's a probability that one of your web applications will require you to interpret text from an image. Therefore, in today's article, we'll show you how to use PHP to read text from a picture.

Extracting Text from PDF using PHP

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PDF (Portable Doc Format) files allow you to store text and image data for offline usage. To show text and graphics online, utilize a PDF file. To embed PDF files in the browser, utilize a web viewer. The text and graphic material are not included in the PDF file that is embedded on a webpage. The inability to render PDF content on the page has an impact on SEO. To get over this issue, extract text from PDF and upload it to the website.

PHP may be used to extract elements from PDF files using the PDF Parser module. This PHP library parses PDF files and extracts the text content from every page. Text, headers, and metadata can all be extracted from the PDF file using PHP. This tutorial will show you how to use PHP to extract text from PDF files.

Creating a screen recorder using JavaScript

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The MediaDevices and MediaRecorder APIs in JavaScript can be used to record the user's screen.

Users are asked to select and grant permission to record the contents of a screen or a visible area through the MediaDevices interface.

Use media recorders to capture the data in a MediaStream that could be recorded. The MediaStream Recording API's MediaRecorder Interface.

Convert HTML to PDF using PHP

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To illustrate text and graphics in a fixed-layout document, Adobe Systems invented PDF. When downloading information or material from a web application, PDF files are used. Downloading HTML or text content is made a lot easier with the PDF file format. To download the content of web pages as PDF files, HTML must be converted to PDF. This tutorial will show you how to use PHP to create PDF files and convert HTML to PDF.

Dompdf is a PHP package that makes it simple to convert HTML files to PDF files. The Dompdf package makes it simple to generate PDF files in PHP from HTML sites. You can incorporate PDF creation capability into your web application by using the example code provided. Additionally, it makes HTML conversion simple.

PHP Real-time ACLEDA Bank Exchange Rate without API

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You usually get Exchange Rate data from other website through Bank or third party API call, so what you can do to get the same thing without API. As you know, exchange rate is very important for all online POS system and other sale web applications. It must be easy if you are given the ready-to-use API from any exchange rate data provider, but making your own data extraction from the exchange rate website is very hard and not reliable. However, here you will be given the best reliable choice to get exchange rate data from any bank or third party websites. Below is the custom PHP script allowing you to get exchange rate data from Cambodia ACLEDA Bank for Khmer Riel currency.