Auto Suggestion List for Searching Input Box

134412 , 0

The common and necessary function that we usually see on almost websites is about searching suggestion. Auto suggestion is very useful and convenient for the users when they are trying to find something in a website by just typing some keywords in the searching box normally placed right in the website header block. Then, the suggested keywords are listed down as the drop down list right below the searching box helping users to use the right keyword to get the desired result. There are some options that we can show the drop down data list by showing the recent keywords, popular keywords, recommended keywords, sorted keywords, etc. Actually, there are many libraries or free script that can be implemented to our website. However, having our own functions is the most preferable way of being the challenging web developer. Therefore, in this tutorial, we show the auto suggested data by recent keywords (order by datetime).

Creating a screen recorder using JavaScript

134301 , 0

The MediaDevices and MediaRecorder APIs in JavaScript can be used to record the user's screen.

Users are asked to select and grant permission to record the contents of a screen or a visible area through the MediaDevices interface.

Use media recorders to capture the data in a MediaStream that could be recorded. The MediaStream Recording API's MediaRecorder Interface.

Configuring local subdomains using Wampserver

134035 , 0

Compared to using a web server, developing code locally on your computer offers some significant advantages. You don't have to wait for your file modifications to upload to the web, so it's typically faster.

WampServer, a tool that enables you to run a local web environment, will be what I use (Apache, PHP & MySQL). WampServer must be downloaded and installed before you can move on with this tutorial.

Print Specific DIV Content Using jQuery

133504 , 0

Most websites nowadays may need print function for its content like article, report, table, invoice, and other printable contents. With web browser, we can also just simply press the key “Ctrl + p” to have any page printed. The problem is that, using that direct keyboard print keys are printing the whole page including the unwanted areas that normal look really bad or have problem with web layout leading the messy look on the printed document. What if we can print a specific area of your website! What if we want to print only a div content, not anything else!

This tutorial is going to tell you an effective trick to deal with this issue. You may just need to identify a specific DIV to be printed once we click the “Print” button. Please follow this tutorial carefully, we will show you all the things to have it worked.

PHP SQL Injection Protection Method

132514 , 0

It's very important to secure your login system which can be attacked by various attacking methode. SQL Injection is the common attacking methode that is used to gain the login authetication of the login system.

One of the most common SQL Injection look like this:

' or '1'='1' --

It's very unsecured to use the simple login verification methode to login in your system while currently most online web login system use the more secured way of login.

This tutorial will help to secure your login sytem by just implementing the mysqli_prepare to your login function.