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According to a lot of online articles, PHP is a dead language that you shouldn't learn. As a PHP developer, I must refute that assertion since I don't believe it to be true.

So, despite what some people may say based on their experience (and personal preferences), I advise conducting an exercise and performing a thorough examination of what PHP is. I also propose seriously considering whether or not it is a dead language.

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Although we have database to work with data, with some circumstances we still need to work directly with files, especially text files. Here in this tutorial, you will know how to read a text file using PHP with a few different functions including fgets()file(), and file_get_contents().

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To construct a Zip file, PHP has the ZipArchive class. Making files is simpler with this class.

When getting ready a collection of files and folders for download, programming is primarily needed for Zip generation.

The function I'm writing in the example will read every file and folder in the given directory and add them to the ZipArchive class object.

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Compared to using a web server, developing code locally on your computer offers some significant advantages. You don't have to wait for your file modifications to upload to the web, so it's typically faster.

WampServer, a tool that enables you to run a local web environment, will be what I use (Apache, PHP & MySQL). WampServer must be downloaded and installed before you can move on with this tutorial.